Always wanted to know if your agency is spending in the right places?

Help is at hand!

Introducing Birdie's Homecare Agency Cost Benchmarking Tool

Running a successful homecare agency means dealing with tight margins and high instability - so having a strong sense of how to control costs and maximise efficiency is essential. But…

  • How do you know if you’re over-spending?
  • How do you identify if you’re missing out on opportunities to make savings?
  • How do you know where you stand against other agencies that you might be competing with?

So we made a tool that helps you find out. 

Using industry-wide data, this FREE Birdie tool will take your numbers and tell you:

  • If you're spending more, less or the same than the average on everything from per-hour pay to travel time 
  • If your profit margins per hour of care are beating your competitors 
  • Exactly where you need to make savings or efficiencies in order to improve the health of your business 



Get FREE access today


How to boost efficiency in your homecare agency: the 5 most common mistakes and how to fix them


The hidden cost of bad care management systems: how the wrong tech can cost your business more than money

Woman on the phone with CTA_Care planning

About Us

About Birdie: 

Birdie equips care providers with the essential digital tools they need to manage, grow and succeed in delivering outstanding care. Alongside a host of practical resources and support for the care industry, birdie provides a unique single platform solution used by care businesses of all sizes, with care management, rostering, financing and analytics tools.